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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. vi-98

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C. W. Gear

p. vi

A Note from the Editors

C. W. Gear and R. G. Voigt

p. s1

The WY Representation for Products of Householder Matrices

Christian Bischof and Charles Van Loan

pp. s2-s13

A Domain-Decomposed Fast Poisson Solver on a Rectangle

Tony F. Chan and Diana C. Resasco

pp. s14-s26

Multiprocessor FFT Methods

William L. Briggs, Leslie B. Hart, Roland A. Sweet, and Abbie O'Gallagher

pp. s27-s42

Asynchronous Relaxations for the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations by Parallel Processors

Debasis Mitra

pp. s43-s58

Solving Equations of Motion on a Virtual Tree Machine

W. W. Armstrong, T. A. Marsland, M. Olafsson, and J. Schaeffer

pp. s59-s72

Design and Analysis of Parallel Monte Carlo Algorithms

V. C. Bhavsar and J. R. Isaac

pp. s73-s95

Adapting a Navier-Stokes Code to the ICL-DAP

Chester E. Grosch

pp. s96-s117

Reduction of the Effects of the Communication Delays in Scientific Algorithms on Message Passing MIMD Architectures

Joel H. Saltz, Vijay K. Naik, and David M. Nicol

pp. s118-s134

A Fast Algorithm for Trummer's Problem

A. Gerasoulis, M. D. Grigoriadis, and Liping Sun

pp. s135-s138

A Simplified TVD Finite Difference Scheme via Artificial Viscosity

Stephen F. Davis

pp. 1-18

Conformal Mapping of Circular Arc Polygons

Petter Bjørstad and Eric Grosse

pp. 19-32

A New Algorithm for Spline Smoothing Based on Smoothing a Stochastic Process

Robert Kohn and Craig F. Ansley

pp. 33-48

A Generalized Gauss-Newton Procedure for Multiresponse Parameter Estimation

Douglas M. Bates and Donald G. Watts

pp. 49-55

Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Probabilistic Choice Models

David S. Bunch

pp. 56-70

Continuous Time Series Models for Unequally Spaced Data Applied to Modeling Atomic Clocks

Richard H. Jones and Peter V. Tryon

pp. 71-81

A Modified Version of Handscomb's Antithetic Variates Theorem

Y. R. Rubinstein and G. Samorodnitsky

pp. 82-98